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Electricity calculator ⚡️

Here you will find a fee calculator for the new MVM (ELMŰ) utility fees for Budapest (Aug 1, 2022).

The annual government cap is 2523 kWh which is splitted into into 12 month (~210,25 kWh)

Residencial users (A1) rates are capped at 36,386 Ft/kWh and the spot price is 70,104 Ft/kWh.


The result will appear when you enter the amount.

Budapest electricity

This Budapest electricity calculator is a tool that helps consumers in Budapest to estimate the cost of their electricity usage.

It typically requires inputting information such as the total kilowatt hours consumed and based on the current electricity rates in Budapest it will calculate the estimated cost of the electricity usage.

This can be a useful tool for households and businesses to budget their electricity expenses and to compare different tariffs offered by electricity providers.

It can also be used to track energy consumption and identify ways to reduce usage and lower costs.

It's important to note that electricity rates may vary depending on the provider and the type of tariff, so it's recommended to check with the provider for the most accurate information.